How to find us – Eastern Suburbs Surgical Specialists

From the Main hospital entrance (Level 0, Barker street)

Enter the main hospital foyer. Infront of you will be the ‘barker street canteen’. Turn left towards the royal hospital for women, behind the large information desk are a group of lifts. The lifts on the right-hand side will take you to prince of wales Private hospital. The consulting suites are located on level 7.

From the high street entrance (Level 2)

Walk directly along the corridor in front of the entrance (approx. 400m). At the end of the corridor take the lift to level 0, walk across the foyer towards the information desk, behind the information desk is a bank of lifts. The lifts on the right-hand side will take you to level 7 Consulting suites.

From the main hospital Car park

Proceed to level B4 for parking. A dedicated lift clearly marked Prince of wales private hospital will take you directly to levels 5-7.

Once on Level 7

Exit the lift on level 7 turn right, at the first intersection of the corridors turn left and we are the first suite on the left.
