Dr. Robert GandyUpper Gastrointestinal Surgeon
Introducing Rob Gandy
I am a specialist General, Upper GI, bariatric (weight loss) and HPB (Liver, pancreas, and gallbladder) surgeon. I also specialise in all types of hernia surgery. Over 90% of the surgery I perform is minimally invasive (laparoscopic). I work in both the Public and Private systems.
I aim to provide you with professional personalised care throughout the duration of your illness and into the future.
Dr. Gandy's Service Focus
I provide surgical services at the Prince of Wales Private and Public Hospitals in Randwick and the East Sydney Private Hospital, New South Wales.
I offer
- Laparoscopic (keyhole) and Robotic Gallbladder surgery
- Laparoscopic (keyhole) and Robotic Hernia surgery
- Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy and laparoscopic gastric bypass
- Laparoscopic Hiatus hernia and anti- reflux surgery
- Complex Liver, pancreatic, adrenal and stomach surgery
- Diagnostic & therapeutic endoscopy and colonoscopy
I also can provide a wide range of minor surgical day-case procedures on request.
I received my undergraduate medical degree at the University of Leeds in the United Kingdom, in 2002. I completed my Masters in Upper GI Surgery at the University of Sydney in 2010.
Post graduate Training
Certificate of completion of basic surgical training, at the Yorkshire School of Surgery, and Membership of the Royal College of Surgeons (England) in 2006.
Fellowship of the Royal Australasian college of surgeons (FRACS) in 2015 after completing a further 9 years surgical training in Australia.
Specialist post fellowship training was undertaken with the Australian and New Zealand Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary association at the Liverpool, Bankstown and Royal Prince Alfred Hospitals.
Clinical lecturer at the University of New South Wales.
List of Professional Memberships
- Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (RACS)
- Royal College of Surgeons (England)
- General surgeons Australia (GSA)
- Australian and New Zealand hepato-pancreato-Biliary Association (ANZ HPBA)
- Australian and New Zealand gastro-oesophageal surgical association (ANZGOSA)
- Sydney Upper Gastrointestinal Surgical Society (SUGGS) Board member
- International association of Hepato-pancreato-Biliary surgeons (IHPBA)
- Australian Medical association (AMA)
- Australasian Gastro-Intestinal Trials Group (AGITG)
Current Hospital Appointments
Consulting Rooms
Eastern Suburbs Surgical Specialists (Main)
Suite 1A, Level 7
Prince of Wales Private Hospital,
320-346 Barker Street
Randwick NSW, 2031
(02) 8599-4360
BodyFree Clinic (weight loss surgery only)
Suite 306
Royal Prince Alfred Medical Centre
100 Carillion Way
Newtown, NSW, 2042
(02) 9565-5505
Surgical Outpatients
Level 2, Campus centre
Prince of Wales Public hospital
Barker street
NSW, 2031
(02) 9382 0400
Public Hospitals
Prince of Wales Public Hospital
Barker street
New south Wales, 2031
Orange Base Hospital (Visiting surgeon)
1530 Forest Way
NSW, 2800
Private Hospitals
Prince of Wales Private Hospital
320-346 Barker street
New south Wales, 2031
East Sydney Private Hospitals
74 Crown Street
New South Wales, 2011
02-9001- 2000
My Story
I was born in Manchester, United Kingdom. I stayed in the north of England for my medical and basic surgical training in Leeds and across Yorkshire. I moved to Australia in 2006, with my wife and very quickly a 2-year sabbatical became a permanent move.
Since I started studying medicine I always wanted to pursue a career in surgery. This was cemented as a junior surgical trainee when I was first exposed to liver and pancreas surgery. Since then I have focused on diseases of the upper abdomen and minimally invasive surgery. I love the variety and complexity of my job. Its very rare to have a working life that lets you meet and reassure lots of people, work with your hands and have the fulfilment of making people feel better. I feel very privileged to live and practice surgery in Australia.
Away from medicine I enjoy spending time at home and at the beach with my family. Promising rugby and cricket achievements as a young man have made way for a very average game of golf. I have 2 daughters, who keep me busy and I live close to work.
Research & Publications
Original research: Re-examining institutional volume for pancreatectomy in a low density population: A population based study in New South Wales, Australia. HPB. 2024, May 24, Volume 26, S363-4.
Original research: Temporal trends of pancreatic Caner in NSW, Australia: A Longitudinal population-based study of incidence, surgery and survival. Mok J, Close J, Gandy RC and Harvey L. HPB. 2024 May 24, Volume 26, S145
Book chapter: Management of primary pancreatic cancer. Gastrointestinal oncology- A critical multidisciplinary approach 2e. January 2024. Edited by Janusz Jankowski.
Book chapter: Symons R, Daly D, Gandy R, Goldstein D, Aghmesheh M. Progress in the Treatment of Small Intestine Cancer. Curr Treat Options Oncol. 2023 Feb 24. doi: 10.1007/s11864-023-01058-3. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 36826686.
Original research: Koestenbauer J, Gandy RC, Close J and Harvey L. (2023) Factors Affecting Early Cholecystectomy For Acute Cholecystitis In Older People – A Population-Based Study. World J Surg. (accepted for publication)
Original research: Blundell, J Gandy RC, Close J and Harvey L. (2023). Time to interval cholecystectomy and associated outcomes in older people with mild gallstone pancreatitis. Langenbecks arch Surg. 2023. 28;408 (1):380 10.21203/rs.3.rs-2516865/v1.
Original research: Blundell, Gandy RC, Close J and Harvey L. (2022). Cholecystectomy for people aged 50 years or more with mild gallstone pancreatitis: predictors and outcomes of index and interval procedures. Medical Journal of Australia. 217. 10.5694/mja2.51492.
Original research: Harvey, L & Toson, B & Norris, C & Harris, I & Gandy, R & Close, J. (2021). 767 The hospital frailty risk score (HFRS) predicts complications in older surgical patients. International Journal of Epidemiology. 50. 10.1093/ije/dyab168.268.
Original research: Harvey, L & Toson, B & Norris, C & Harris, I & Gandy, R & Close, J (2020). Does Identifying Frailty from ICD-10 Coded Data on Hospital Admission Improve Prediction of Adverse Outcomes in Older Surgical Patients. International Journal of Population Data Science. 5. 10.23889/ijpds.v5i5.1503.
Editorial: Norris CM et al. (2021) Australian hospitals call in the COPS to improve care of older persons undergoing surgery. Bulletin of the American College of Surgeons.
Original research: Harvey, L & Toson, B & Norris, C & Harris, I & Gandy, R & Close, J. (2020). Does identifying frailty from ICD-10 coded data on hospital admission improve prediction of adverse outcomes in older surgical patients? A population-based study. Age and Ageing. 50. 10.1093/ageing/afaa214.
Book Chapter: Management of low rectal cancer with synchronous liver metastasis. RC Gandy and C Sandroussi ‘Case based lessons in the management of complex Hepato-Pancreato-biliary Surgery’ 2016 edited by Timothy Pawlik.
Commissioned editorial: Centralising care for patients with pancreatic cancer: a hybrid model approach, Med J Aust. 2016; 204 (11): 419-422
Original research article: Comparative Validation of Abdominal CT Models that Predict Need for Surgery in Adhesion-Related Small-Bowel Obstruction. PF Yang, DP Rabinowitz, SW Wong, M Kahn, RC Gandy. World J Surg (2016). doi:10.1007/s00268-016-3796-3
Original research article: Short and long term outcomes of older patients undergoing hepatectomy for colorectal liver metastases. RC Gandy, T Stavrakis, KS Haghighi. ANZ J Surg. doi:10.1111/ans.13690
Commissioned review: Should the non-operative management of appendicitis be the new standard of care? RC Gandy and F Wang. ANZ J Surg, 2016; 86 (4) 228-231.
Consensus guideline: Refining approaches of care for patients with pancreatic cancer; Findings of the Australasian pancreatic cancer workshop. RC Gandy, A Barbour, M Nikfarjam, J Samra, KS Haghighi, J Kench, D Goldstein. Med J Aust. 2016; 204 (11): 419-422
Original research article: Hepatic resection for non colorectal, non endocrine liver metastases. RC Gandy, P Bergamin, KS Haghighi. ANZ J Surg. doi:10.1111/ans.13470
Daly, Daniel & Gandy, Robert & Haghighi, K.S.. (2016). Surgical outcomes of complex liver resection: Synchronous resection of other abdominal organs for locally advanced or metastatic disease. HPB. 18. e255. 10.1016/j.hpb.2016.02.642.
Daly, Daniel & Gandy, Robert & Haghighi, K.S.. (2016). Laparoscopic completion cholecystectomy for remnant gallbladder following previous incomplete cholecystectomy: a case series. HPB. 18. e488. 10.1016/j.hpb.2016.03.291.
Gandy, Robert & Das, A. & Ahmed, S.. (2016). Applying of “ the white test” in laparoscopic hepatectomy to identify bile leakage. HPB. 18. e117. 10.1016/j.hpb.2016.02.273.
Batabyal, P. & Gandy, Robert & Haghighi, K.S.. (2016). Safety of extended pancreatectomy compared to standard pancreatic resection based on International Study Group for Pancreatic Surgery (ISGPS) definitions. HPB. 18. e397. 10.1016/j.hpb.2016.03.035.
Gandy, Robert & Ling, A. & Hook, H. & Haghighi, K.S.. (2016). Reciprocal care arrangements in HPB cancer services – helping swallow the bitter pill of centralization. HPB. 18. e539. 10.1016/j.hpb.2016.03.439.
Gandy, Robert & Stavrakis, Timothy & Haghighi, K.S.. (2016). Short and long term outcomes of older patients undergoing hepatectomy for colorectal liver metastasis. HPB. 18. e235. 10.1016/j.hpb.2016.02.587.
Ip, E.C.-Y & Gandy, Robert & Ling, A. & Haghighi, K.. (2016). The soft pancreas: Pancreato-gastropexy with pancreaticogastrostomy minimizes pancreatic fistula rate post pancreatoduodenectomy. HPB. 18. e122. 10.1016/j.hpb.2016.02.286.
Ng, K.M. & Gandy, Robert & Bergamin, P. & Haghighi, K.S.. (2016). The simplicity of en bloc resection of diaphragm and liver tumours: a safe and effective technique of primary diaphragmatic repair with low respiratory-related morbidities. HPB. 18. e589. 10.1016/j.hpb.2016.03.569.
Response to: Hepatic resection for malignant liver tumours in the elderly; systematic review and meta-analysis. RC Gandy, NM Merrett. ANZ J Surg 2015; 85 (11) 815-822
Consensus guideline: Definition of surgical standards for pancreatic cancer: a consensus statement by the Australian gasto-Intestinal Trials Group. RC Gandy, A Barbour, M Nikfarjam, J Samra, KS Haghighi, J Kench, D Goldstein. Published online at AGITG.org.au
Original research article: Safety of Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery in a Low-Volume Setting: Review of Early and Late Outcomes. RC Gandy and CR Berney Gastroenterology R & P, vol. 2014, Article ID 581523, 6 pages, 2014.
Original research article: Discovery of diagnostic biomarkers for pancreatic cancer in immunodepleted serum by SELDI-TOF MS. A Xue, RC Gandy, L Chung , RC Baxter, RC Smith. Pancreatology March 2012; 12(2), 124-9
Original research article: Discovery of serum biomarkers for pancreatic adenocarcinoma using proteomic analysis. A Xue, C J Scarlett, L Chung, G Butturini, A Scarpa, RC Gandy, S R Wilson, R C Baxter and R C Smith. Br J of Cancer July 2010; 103, 391-400
Original research article: Outcomes of appendicectomy in an acute care surgery model. RC. Gandy, P Truskett, S. Wong, S. Smith, M. Bennett, A. Parasyn. Med J Aust, 2010, 193 (5); 281-284
Case report and literature review: Aberrant cholecystohepatic ducts. R.Gandy, W. Hargreaves and D. Fenton-Lee. ANZ J Surg 2010; 80 (6) 455-6
Case report and literature review: The use of a 910 Polyglactin (Vicryl) mesh to obtain haemostasis and prevent further fracturing in a transplant kidney. Gandy R, Asthana S, Ahmad N, Lodge JPA Ann R Coll Surg Engl. 2006 Oct ;88 (6):590-1 17380611)
Original research article: How can Psychiatrists better support the work of University Medical Centres and University Counselling Services? Waller RM, Mahmood TA, Gandy R, Delves S, Humphrys N, Smith D Br J Guidance & Counselling, Volume 33, No. 1, Feb 2005, pp 117-128(12)

Suite 1A, Level 7
Prince of Wales Private Hospital, Barker Street
Randwick, NSW 2031 -
+61 (02) 8599-4360